Home Technology Technology can’t match grandma in the kitchen

Technology can’t match grandma in the kitchen

Technology can’t match grandma in the kitchen

One of the things people often overlook is just how far we have come today in terms of the way people select and prepare the foods they eat on a daily basis.

Just take a moment to consider how food selection and preparation was different in the past from the high-tech food selection and preparation existing today. In the beginning, taste didn’t matter much and it was more a case that food translated into survival.

If you want to go way back to cavemen (maybe the Bobby Flay’s and Emeril Lagasse’s of their time) and cavewomen, it was simply a matter of clubbing something over the head before building a bonfire at the edge of the cave to cook it.

Obviously, that meat wasn’t prepared in a non-stick pan or with the assistance of any fancy marinades or seasonings. It was the basic, “You got to kill it before you grill it” thought process to get food for survival.

Even in the pioneer years of our country, many times it came down to a few rudimentary vegetables or fruits that people could grow mixed in with whatever wild game they were able shoot. It was still cooked over an open fire, many times only it was in a fire place located in a cabin.


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