Home Entrepreneur Spiritual Entrepreneur and World Traveler, Kendall Fuhrman, Takes the Strongest Psychedelic in the World, Learns to Find Her Medicine Within and Writes a Spiritual Memoir all before the age of 25

Spiritual Entrepreneur and World Traveler, Kendall Fuhrman, Takes the Strongest Psychedelic in the World, Learns to Find Her Medicine Within and Writes a Spiritual Memoir all before the age of 25

Spiritual Entrepreneur and World Traveler, Kendall Fuhrman, Takes the Strongest Psychedelic in the World, Learns to Find Her Medicine Within and Writes a Spiritual Memoir all before the age of 25

‘You Are The Medicine’ – A Sacred Psychedelic Odyssey Through the Wilderness of the Soul to Emerge Whole on the Other Side – available for presale now via Indiegogo Campaign with Publisher New Degree Press.

A powerful story of a 20 something’s path of spiritual growth and self-acceptance…

LOS ANGELES, May 27, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Podcast host, author, content creator and entrepreneur, Kendall Fuhrman announced the upcoming release and presale of her new book, “You Are The Medicine,” via a multitiered Indiegogo campaign. The campaign comes complete with stretch goals, rewards for backers, and an upcoming spiritual retreat in Peru hosted by the author.

“I wrote this book because my whole life I have been searching outside of myself for healing, happiness and fulfillment and coming up feeling empty and lost,” said Kendall Fuhrman. “I feel that a lot of people, especially those in their early twenties can relate. When I was younger, I looked to religion to save me, in my early twenties I looked to my education and career to make me feel whole, and when I started my spiritual journey, I looked to psychedelics, astrology, and tarot cards, anything else but myself to find the answers I was looking for. One of my greatest fears was not living up to my potential. But I was giving away my power to reach my potential by expecting external tools to be the magic pill that does the work for me. But the truth is, there is no magic pill. Through a deep journey with depression and anxiety, I learned that healing comes from within and that truly, YOU are your greatest medicine.”

From the “You Are The Medicine” Indiegogo campaign:

“This book follows me on my self-discovery journey traveling solo through Peru and Nicaragua where I took the strongest psychedelic in the world, hiked in the Andes mountains, lived in a circus, and had some of the most transformational experiences of my life. I share my journey’s darkest moments and most beautiful revelations, all with the hope of helping you on your own spiritual journey.”

Fundraising Campaign Perks include:

  1. Event Ticket + Signed Copy of the Book 
  2. Spiritual Chat with Kendall
  3. Intuitive Business Coaching Call with Kendall
  4. Private Spiritual Event for Businesses and Organizations

All Indiegogo purchases of the book come with a ticket to the You Are The Medicine Book Launch – an in-person and virtual event that shares some of the book’s spiritual experiences: guided meditation, ecstatic dance, breathwork, and a book chat directly with the author.

Kendall will also host an upcoming spiritual retreat in Peru, following the same journey recounted in the “You Are The Medicine.” This retreat will include seven nights in a beautiful Peruvian home, vegetarian/vegan meals, daily meditations, and yoga classes led by different teachers featured in the book. With an exploration of Machu Picchu, meditative hikes led by Peruvians, ecstatic dances, kirtan ceremonies, and much more, this retreat will guide you to find your medicine within. Learn more and sign up here.  

You can buy Kendall’s book “You Are The Medicine” until June 1st, 2022 by visiting the Indiegogo campaign! If you missed the pre-sale, you can join her book club here for updates on when it’s released. Follow Kendall Fuhrman on social media – TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn. Listen to her podcast, Kendall’s World for fun travel stories, mindset tips, and enlightening spiritual episodes with incredible guests! And join her Spiritual Besties Discord Community to learn, grow and have fun with a like-minded and supportive community!

About Kendall Fuhrman

Kendall Fuhrman is a successful businesswoman who left a lucrative job as the Director of Marketing in 2019 to backpack through South-East Asia and discover her true passions. Returning home, she began a freelance career creating viral content and marketing through Fuhrman Ventures, LLC. She went on to build a series of thriving businesses, grow a varied social media following in the millions, while also being mentioned in Thrive Global’s Top 12 Thriving Female Entrepreneurs to Watch in 2021. Fuhrman’s latest work, “You Are The Medicine,” was written after another transformative trip she took through Peru and Nicaragua at the beginning of 2021. The Indiegogo campaign will help see the book fully edited, designed, and published via New Degree Press. Learn more about Kendall’s work at: www.KendallFuhrman.com.

Media Contact:

Kendall Fuhrman 
[email protected]

SOURCE Kendall Fuhrman


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