Home Technology Military technology steps up Iranian deterrence: Parliament speaker

Military technology steps up Iranian deterrence: Parliament speaker

Military technology steps up Iranian deterrence: Parliament speaker

TEHRAN- The Speaker of the Iranian Parliament has stressed that military technology is the source of increased deterrent capability and promoting the nation’s spirit and dignity.

Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf made the comments while inspecting a military industry expo at the Defense Industries Organization on Saturday.

Brigadier General Mohammad-Reza Gharaei Ashtiani, the defense minister, and a few of his ministry’s directors were addressed by the speaker, who expressed gratitude on behalf of everyone for the defense equipment that have increased deterrent power.

“We are also proud of our self-sufficiency, which raises national confidence among the Iranian people, and the military sector is an example of the country’s progress as envisaged based on the objectives of the Islamic Revolution,” the speaker remarked. 

The head of the legislative branch went on to say that the defensive doctrine of the Islamic Republic is based on maintaining peace and stability as well as defending underdeveloped countries. 

“… we do not seek expansionism, but we will retaliate firmly against any malign act and invasion,” Qalibaf pointed out.

He went on to say that as has been observed all over the world, significant advancement, platform changes, and use of new technologies occur in armed forces and military sectors of the countries, and that knowledge and cutting-edge technology are subsequently passed on to other sectors.

Qalibaf, a former military commander, emphasized that the foundation of the Islamic Republic’s defense is based on the people’s support, and that the adversaries of the nation are well aware that the Islamic Republic’s greatness derives from the close bond between the establishment and the people. As a result, top lawmaker said, the adversaries use economic and psychological warfare to try and create tension between the two axes of the Islamic Republic.

However, he asserted, the public’s support and spirit during the holy defense (8-year Iran-Iraq war) assisted the Islamic Republic in scaring off its adversaries.


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