LAHORE – The Lahore University of Management Scienc[1]es (LUMS) held a two[1]day technology compe[1]tition, in collaboration with Institute of Elec[1]trical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) So[1]ciety, titled CodinGuru 5.0. in partnership with S&P Global Paki[1]stan.
A spokesperson said on Friday that the event was aimed to improve the tech quo[1]tient of students and encourage ambitious and skilled coders to enhance their abilities.
The competition was planned across 3 seg[1]ments: Programming, UI/UX, and WebApp Module.
The participat[1]ing teams developed innovative solutions for daily usage like de[1]livery applications, cli[1]mate change actions, and energy-saving ap[1]pliances through dif[1]ferent programming languages like C++, Java, and Python. To further highlight the correlation of ‘Diver[1]sity, Equity & Inclusion’ (DEI) with innovation and creativity, a panel discussion was also held.
LUMS has been organising the mega[1]coding competition since 2018. This year, a total of 70 teams from different universities, mainly Lahore Univer[1]sity of Management Sciences (LUMS), Pun[1]jab University College of Information Tech[1]nology, FAST National University of Com[1]puter and Emerging Sciences, University of Engineering and Tech[1]nology, Information Technology University, COMSATS, and Gov[1]ernment College Uni[1]versity Lahore partici[1]pated in the event.
The participants were giv[1]en 24 hours to design a creative IT solution and customer-friendly interface for a con[1]temporary real-world problem aligned with the given theme