How is project management done in an environment where lazy workers spread like a virus?
Let’s start with the concept of lazy worker. Laziness is not caused by a lack of competence. Laziness is not doing what one can do. These types of people create a comfort zone in the environment they enter. These people talk a lot, but there is no production equivalent to this conversation. They identify problems, make suggestions, and do not solve them. They talk like they’re extremely helpful, but they don’t help anyone. They say nothing will catch up, the Plan is wrong, and the people are inadequate. They try to find supporters to cover their laziness. Gossip can be considered their core business.
They try to find supporters, especially from the executive management. Relationships with these people are their biggest shield. They think that they were highly intelligent; they despise humble employees. They own all the success of a team. The mistakes have already been made by someone else.
If such people are not removed from the company in a short time, great damage will be done to the company. First of all, those who really work lose their motivation. The environment of trust in the company disappears. The quality of the work done decreases and customer dissatisfaction increases.
A lazy always blames those around him. He does not hesitate to lie; he uses ethical values if it is useful.
What Should the Project Manager Do?
Lazy team culture is a nightmare for a project manager. The project manager cannot receive support in practice from team members who say they will do everything in meetings.
In this type of team, normal employees resign or find another job.
When you encounter such a team, as a project manager, analyze the team and spot the slackers.
Give the lazies duties where they will be isolated from the team.
Have your objective performance evaluation criteria. Warn the lazy in these reviews.
Cut meetings short and avoid idle talk.
Have clear outputs of all your meetings. Identify action steps. Alert people who only talk but don’t take action.
Please develop written culture, not oral culture. Keep in mind that employees who solve problems with personal relationships will cause bigger problems in the long run, even if they have short-term benefits.
Don’t let agile project management turn into a motto that everyone does what they want.
Don’t compromise on transparency. Do not tolerate situations such as lobbying, and favoritism.
A fish rots from the head down. If there is a problem and it is not resolved, the manager is responsible. It is the manager, not the employee, who needs to change.