Home Technology Five reasons upskilling engineers is vital to address technology megatrend

Five reasons upskilling engineers is vital to address technology megatrend

Five reasons upskilling engineers is vital to address technology megatrend

Things were much simpler for engineering graduates about a decade ago. To secure job opportunities at the MNCs with desirable packages, all they had to do was acquire a degree in computer science from an eminent institute. However, things are much different today. Even though the tech job market is difficult, it’s not easy to get in, and it is because of the rapidly developing technology. Upskilling is vital to remain relevant in the current job environment. The production methods and operating models are changing. There is automation, leading to decentralisation of production and operations.

Let’s take a closer look at the different reasons making it inevitable for engineers to upskill for growth:

Rapid technological advancements

Firstly, technology is evolving, and the trends seem out-of-date before they even go live. There are new technologies and upgrades each day, replacing the redundant, existing technologies. Technology-based careers do not change but evolve and IT professionals must keep up with the trend by learning continuously and keeping track of these changes. Every year the demand for technology changes, and one needs to ensure that they are always ready.

Lack of relevant skills among engineering graduates

Secondly, engineering graduates in India are not equipped with the relevant skills required in today’s time. It is both tech-based skills and soft skills. According to industry experts, almost half of the Indian workforce needs to be trained to be on par with the latest technological trends. Out of the 800,000 engineers that India produces each year, only an eighth is absorbed by IT companies. The absorption level is further reduced if relevant skills are not found. Around 12 million engineers graduate every year and need to be reskilled to make them job-ready.

Benefits of experiential learning

The third reason to upskill is that experiential learning helps in faster and easier learning. It follows the method of learning by doing instead of relying on theory taught in colleges, most of which is not even relevant to present requirements. When the talent performs a task, they get a chance to do some critical thinking, develop problem-solving skills, and have decision-making ability. It brings the flexibility of working across technologies to improve one’s employability.

Becoming job-ready

Another valid purpose is when engineers reskill and upskill, they make themselves employable and find it easier to get a job than others. Also, when they have a skill enhancement, it aids in promotions at work. They gain that extra edge over the rest when they learn new skills. The confidence that comes with the knowledge of different technologies and skills ensures the talent of their employability quotient, and as a result, a good-paying job is automatically guaranteed. Not just students, even laterals must utilise their time to learn something new that will add weight to their resumes and make them more employable.

Connecting with the right people

Lastly, gaining knowledge from mentors or experts in the field during upskilling offers timely guidance and helps spot the areas for improvement. It is also an excellent opportunity to build a network with relevant people in the industry who can help you and lead you to big job openings in the future. Building a repo and making industry experts trust you with your skills is essential. References from the right people go a long way in the IT industry.


Technological advances are penetrating almost every sector in the world, ranging from finance, and education to healthcare, logistics, etc. It translates into the increasing need for engineers in the market who are equipped with skills in the latest technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Machine Learning, Augmented Reality, Data Science, Automation, etc. To be ready to bag opportunities in these technologies and sectors, it is necessary for people in tech to upskill and reskill.



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